engaging title
Once upon a time, there was a HOOMAN that liked to eat cookies. One day, everywhere ran out of cookies. So he went to his local grandma to ask her how to bake cookies. So she taught him. The HOOMAN lived forever. The end.
Story Two
Once upon a time, there was a potato. The potato was teased a lot cuz he wore not yeezys. One day, he got tired of this, so he got out a went to Home Depot and North Korea's armory, and got to work with his shoes.
When he was finally finished with his creation, he brought it to school the next day. Then, when someone teased him, he pressed a button and it sent a mini helicopter carrying a mini nuke. It went over their head, and it dropped the nuke.
Guess who was bald after that?
the moral: don't judge people by their shoes. literally.